Ruth Edwards - Nuneaton



I was diagnosed with breast cancer in January 2020.

I had my operation, wide local excision and sentinel node biopsy at the end of January. Radiation was booked for the end of March but was delayed because of COVID, so had to wait a while, but my oncologist was wonderful and I went on an intense course in April.

It was an awful time and I was so worried about dying.

Doing the Hope Programme really did help me and since then I have done other on-line courses. All of which have my mental health. I hope it will never return, I have hope now for a future.

I used the burning technique in my art because it reminded me of the effect of radiation burning away my cancer. And the art is representing how I feel now.

It has been wonderful how much help there has been for me mentally and physically. I am so glad I am taking part in HopePunk and a small way of saying thank you to Hope.