Gurdip Junjuha - Coventry


Gurdip is an artist, living and working in Coventry as a support worker for adults with learning difficulties.

Gurdip paints with acrylics on canvas. Her art helped her through dark times when she was breaking free from a marriage and societal expectations that made her feel trapped. She now uses more positive colours in her art and always listens to soft pop when she paints and fits the music into her paintings.

"My paintings express my inner feelings. As a person I am bubbly, kind and full of life. Though my artwork can also show anxiety and the hardships of life. Mental health and well-being are a big part of my life, and my paintings really express that without words. When the brush is in my hand I feel so powerful, with every stroke of the brush shapes form to life."

Gurdip’s Picasso style paintings are all about the way forward. All of us communicating to one another and having faith in each other. Having hope.