Annabel's Hope Story

I signed up for this course as life had been too busy for too long. Things were becoming stressful, which was making me feel anxious.

I learned about this course from a friend. He wondered if I knew anyone who would benefit. I decided to give it a go myself!

The Hope Programme taught me that I was already doing a lot right in terms of planning my days and taking good exercise, eating well and resting. This was reassuring. The course made me understand that my feelings of being stressed were valid. The course taught me new strategies for when I did feel overwhelmed.

Sharing this six-week journey with other operational firefighters was a really good way to swap ideas and tips that were working for each of us. We could see each other’s journeys if they chose to post them. No pressure if people didn’t.

There were lunchtime Zoom sessions, where me and my dog listened to other people’s amazing life stories. As well as podcasts, worksheets and weekly goal setting.

“I would recommend this course to anyone who has a lot going on in their life and wants to thrive at tackling things in a healthy way. It’s a very accessible and easy-to-use online platform where you can be as interactive as you choose and dip in and out around your lifestyle."